Anil Singh
Anil Singh
Jun 12, 20245 Min Read
Saturn Retrograde 2024: Insights, Challenges, and Effective Remedies -DKSCORE

Navigating Saturn Retrograde 2024: Insights, Challenges & Remedies


Saturn, often referred to as 'Shani' in Vedic astrology, is a planet that carries significant weight and influence. The mere mention of Saturn often evokes a sense of fear and apprehension among many. This fear is heightened when Saturn goes retrograde, as it is believed to bring about various challenges and obstacles in life. However, it is essential to understand that Saturn's retrograde motion is not something to be feared blindly. Instead, it is a period that calls for introspection, understanding, and the implementation of specific remedies to mitigate its effects.


Saturn Retrograde in 2024


In 2024, Saturn will go retrograde on June 30th. During this period, Saturn will be retrograde in Aquarius at 23 degrees in the second pada of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra, which is ruled by Jupiter. Saturn will continue its retrograde motion until it gets direct at 18 degrees in the Satabhishak Nakshatra's fourth pada, ruled by Rahu.


The Influence of Saturn Retrograde


Saturn's retrograde motion is often associated with delays, obstacles, and a general sense of tension. However, it is crucial to understand that Saturn does not harm everyone equally. The impact of Saturn retrograde will be more pronounced for those who are currently undergoing the Sade Sati period or those who have the Mahadasha or Antardasha of Rahu. Additionally, individuals who have Saturn transiting over their natal Saturn may also feel the effects more acutely.


Understanding Sade Sati


Sade Sati is a 7.5-year period where Saturn transits over the natal Moon, causing significant challenges and hardships. This period is divided into three phases: the initial phase, the peak phase, and the concluding phase. During Sade Sati, individuals may experience delays, obstacles, and a general sense of unease. However, it is also a time for personal growth, introspection, and transformation.



Rahu's Influence During Saturn Retrograde


Rahu, the north node of the Moon, is known for its unpredictable and unconventional nature. When Saturn is retrograde and transiting through a Nakshatra ruled by Rahu, it can amplify the effects of Rahu, leading to sudden changes, unexpected events, and challenges. For those undergoing the Mahadasha or Antardasha of Rahu, this period may bring about significant transformations and upheavals.


Remedies for Saturn Retrograde


While Saturn's retrograde motion can bring about challenges, there are several remedies that individuals can perform to mitigate its effects. These remedies are rooted in ancient Vedic traditions and are believed to bring relief and protection during this period.


1. Donate Mustard Oil

One of the most effective remedies for Saturn retrograde is to donate mustard oil. Every Saturday, individuals can offer mustard oil to a temple or donate it to those in need. This act of charity is believed to appease Saturn and reduce its malefic effects.


2. Burn Mustard Oil Lamps

Another powerful remedy is to burn mustard oil lamps below a Peepal tree every Saturday evening. The Peepal tree is considered sacred in Vedic traditions, and lighting a lamp with mustard oil is believed to bring blessings and protection from Saturn's adverse effects.


3. Recite Neel Shani Stotra


The Neel Shani Stotra, mentioned in the Valmiki Ramayana, is a powerful hymn dedicated to Saturn. Reciting this stotra regularly can help individuals seek Saturn's blessings and reduce the challenges posed by its retrograde motion.


4. Perform Vrindavan Parikrama


For those undergoing the Rahu Mahadasha or Antardasha, performing the Vrindavan Parikrama can be highly beneficial. The Vrindavan Parikrama involves circumambulating the holy town of Vrindavan, a practice believed to bring spiritual merit and protection from adverse planetary influences. Performing this parikrama as much as possible, especially on the auspicious day of Ekadashi, can bring significant relief.


The Significance of Ekadashi


Ekadashi is a sacred day in the lunar calendar, occurring twice a month. It is dedicated to Lord Vishnu and is considered highly auspicious for fasting and performing religious rituals. Performing the Vrindavan Parikrama on Ekadashi is believed to amplify its benefits, bringing spiritual growth and protection from malefic planetary influences.




While Saturn's retrograde motion in 2024 may bring about challenges and obstacles, it is essential to approach this period with a sense of understanding and preparedness. By implementing the remedies mentioned above and maintaining a positive and introspective mindset, individuals can navigate this period with resilience and grace. Remember, Saturn's retrograde is not something to be feared but rather an opportunity for growth and transformation.


Thank you for taking the time to understand the impact of Saturn retrograde and the remedies to mitigate its effects. May you find peace and protection during this period.

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Anil Singh

Anil Singh

Anil Singh is a distinguished senior faculty member at the largest school of astrology in New Delhi, BVB, where he imparts his extensive knowledge in Vedic ...Read More

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