Tara Rajdeep  Pandit
Tara Rajdeep Pandit
Dec 11, 20238 Min Read
Marriage and Relationship Challenges: Insights from the 7th House Lord in Astrology -DKSCORE

Astrological Insights on Marriage Challenges: The Role of the 7th House Lord


श्री गणेश जी की वाणी

शोध मार्गदर्शन: श्री दीपक बिसारिया जी

The Voice of Lord Ganesha

Guidance on the Path of Research: Mr. Deepak Bisaria Ji

Marriage and Relationship Challenges


Marriage is a profound union that offers protection and support to a bride while bestowing honor upon the groom. The concept of marriage and a blissful life envisions every individuals mind as they bring a child into the world, weaving dreams for their offsprings education, marriage, and other aspects related to life. Marriage is an essential sacrament sanctified by the scriptures and accepted by society. Indian culture has bestowed the responsibility of marriage upon parents, and it is a matter of pride that even today, parents seek suitable life partners for their children. Hence, Indian tradition and culture have always been revered.


In this context, Mr. Deepak Bisaria Ji has undertaken extensive research on crucial subjects like marriage. He has dedicated considerable time to this topic and has conducted research to create new principles that are highly accurate and practical for the present era. Through our research, we have discovered that Mr. Deepak Jis findings are revolutionizing the astrological perspective on marriage. While astrological texts and scriptures provide eight types of marriages, not every individuals destiny aligns with them.


Despite having various qualities and attributes, many grooms and brides face difficulties in finding a suitable match. And if a match is made, it often leads to problems and challenges in married life. Numerous planetary combinations result in obstacles and failures, even when both partners are prosperous and virtuous. This situation becomes more complex as time passes when both partners start questioning and creating negative impacts on their marriage.


The seventh house represents the spouses destiny, while the ninth house signifies the destiny of married life. A person should check both the lagna (ascendant) and Chandra (moon) kundalis when examining marriage prospects. Mr. Deepak Ji emphasizes the importance of evaluating the seventh house lord, or ninth house in the Chandra kundali for marriage predictions. If these factors have a beneficial influence, the marriage is considered successful.


However, if the seventh house, seventh house lord, or ninth house in the Chandra kundali are afflicted or negatively influenced, achieving success in marriage becomes difficult, and problems often arise. Mr. Deepak Jis research has shown that even before and after marriage, issues and challenges can manifest in various ways.


Through a thorough analysis of approximately 100 birth charts, it has been concluded that the placement of the seventh house lord in the third house can create issues in marriage. Additionally, when the seventh lord is afflicted in the third house, it can lead to misunderstandings and even separations in marital life. In todays context, where both men and women are financially independent, the importance of these houses has increased significantly. This article aims to provide a detailed description of birth charts exhibiting yoga and combinations resulting in issues such as conflicts and breakups in marriage.


Significance of the Fourth House and Sixth House

In addition to the seventh house lord, the fourth house and the sixth house play significant roles in understanding marriage and relationship dynamics. The fourth house governs home life, emotional stability, and the individuals relationship with family members. An afflicted fourth house can lead to domestic discord and emotional turbulence, affecting marital harmony.

The sixth house, on the other hand, is associated with conflicts, obstacles, and health issues. An afflicted sixth house can indicate potential challenges in marriage, such as frequent disputes, misunderstandings, and legal issues. Understanding the interplay between these houses and the seventh house lord is crucial for a comprehensive analysis of marital prospects.


Further research on this topic is ongoing, with notable contributions from Mr. Dharm Narayan Sharma, Mr. Tarun Rode, and Mrs. Azad Rampuriya.

(Note: Mr. Deepak Bisaria Jis research on the astrological factors affecting marriage and relationship challenges.)

Kundali 01: Female

            Seventh lord in the third house.


Description: Marriage in May 2018, problems began, currently living separately since 2019.

Kundali 02: Male

Seventh lord Saturn in the third house.


Description: Still unmarried, living with a woman older than himself. Family is not giving consent for marriage.

Kundali 03: Female

Seventh lord Jupiter in the third house.


Husband fell ill in June 2020 and passed away in December 2020. 

Kundali 04: Male

Seventh lord Mercury in the ninth house.


Divorce in 2021, involved with a female colleague at work.

Kundali 05: Female

Seventh lord Mars in the third house.


Facing marital issues since 2014, living in the same house but no relationship. The native is legally fighting for divorce.


These examples highlight the diverse challenges individuals face based on the placement of the seventh house lord in their birth charts.


Impact of Planets Transit


The transit of planets through the seventh house and its lords house can significantly impact marital relationships. For instance, the transit of Saturn or Mars through the seventh house can bring about challenges and conflicts, while the transit of benefic planets like Jupiter can provide relief and positive developments.


Astrological Remedies and Solutions


Understanding the placement and influence of the seventh house lord can help in identifying potential remedies to mitigate challenges in marriage. Common astrological remedies include:

Performing pujas and rituals specific to the afflicted planets.

Wearing gemstones associated with benefic planets to strengthen positive influences.

Chanting mantras and performing meditation to enhance marital harmony.

Seeking guidance from experienced astrologers for personalized remedies based on the birth chart.



Marriage and relationships are complex and multifaceted aspects of life that are significantly influenced by astrological factors. The seventh house lord, along with the fourth house and sixth house, plays a crucial role in determining the success and challenges in marital life. By understanding the astrological influences and applying appropriate remedies, individuals can navigate through marital challenges and strive for a harmonious and fulfilling relationship.


Further Reading and Resources

For those interested in delving deeper into the astrological aspects of marriage and relationships, we recommend the following resources:

Books and articles by renowned astrologers on the topic of marriage and relationship astrology.

Online courses and webinars that offer detailed insights into the role of the seventh house lord in astrology.

Consultations with professional astrologers for personalized readings and guidance.

By exploring these resources, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of the astrological dynamics that influence their marital and relationship experiences.


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Tara Rajdeep  Pandit

Tara Rajdeep Pandit

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