Prash Trivedi
Prash Trivedi
Dec 30, 202323 Min Read
Dhanishta Nakshatra by Prash Trivedi -DKSCORE

Exploring the Power of Dhanishta Nakshatra in Vedic Astrology by Prash Trivedi

23° 20’ Makara - 6° 40’ Kumbha In the Sky

Dhanishta, zenith of martian energy, is represented in celestial firmament by four stars in constellation known as Delphini (Dolphin). These four stars are arranged in a rhombus shape, which ancients saw as signifying a drum. In modern astronomy, these stars are known as Alpha Delphini, Beta Delphini, Delta Delphini & Gamma Delphini. This asterism can be seen lying in dark empty space above constellations of Makara and Kumbha. Beta Delphini, having a visual magnitude of only 3.63, is brightest among these stars, making Dhanishta less bright in comparison to other asterisms. However, it can be easily spotted as there are no bright constellations in its vicinity.


”Dhanishta” translates into ”wealthiest” or ”most beneficent”. Reader can already understand basic energy of this asterism through this simple meaning. Its alternative name is ”Shravishta”, a Sanskrit term which translates into ”most heard of” or ”most famous”. This again is a self-explanatory meaning, which directly hints at extremely lucky quality of this asterism. Name Shravishta implies that Dhanishta forms a pair with previous Nakshatra Shravana.


All scholars agree on fact that a musical drum is main symbol of this Nakshatra. However, there is a difference of opinion in regards to type of musical drum. Some equate drum with a ”tabor”, some with a ”tabla”, some with a ”mridanga”, but in our view drum is actually a ”damaru”. Damaru is Shiva’s favourite drum.

Drum (damaru) conveys two main attributes - music and hollowness. Hollowness here relates to receptivity to outer influences. In its highest expression, this receptivity allows one to be an instrument of universal mind without letting ego interfere with process. Since this Nakshatra follows Shravana, it relates to process where what we have listened to is synthesized. This gives this Nakshatra ability to actually accomplish things like playing music etc. In its lowest expression, this Nakshatra is susceptible to receiving lower level influences, and thus its outer works are not as elevating as they are in its highest expression. A drum, as we know, is a rhythmical instrument, which can be associated with time, and time is rhythm of Universe. This is why this Nakshatra is said to have immaculate timing.

Its alternative symbol is a flute, which again emphasizes fact that music is produced through hollowness, in much same way as celestial music is created through hollowness of universal space.


Dhanishta is presided over by a group of eight gods called Vasus. ”Vasu” translates into ”superb”, ”excellent” or ”wealthy”. Their names are:

Apa, which translates into ”water”. He is a male deity usually related to Apah, water goddess of Purvashadha.

Dhruva, which translates into ”fixed”, and is related to pole star at any given point in time.

Dhara, which translates into ”a bearer” or ”a stream of water”. This deity is akin to ”man pouring water from a pot” - symbol of Kumbha.

Anila, which translates into ”wind”. This deity is same as Vayu, wind god who is Lord of Swati.

Soma, which translates into ”Chandr”. He is same as Chandr deity associated with Mrigashira.

Anala, which translates into ”fire”. This deity is another manifestation of Agni, fire god who rules Krittika.

Pratyusha, which translates into ”dawn”. He is male counterpart of Usha, solar goddess who rides in front of Surya. This might be deity which made Jimi Hendrix, a musician with prominent Dhanishta influence, come up with phrase ”first rays of new rising sun”.

Prabhasa, which translates into ”light”. This is another solar deity related to morning time.

As we can see, all these eight deities carry within them energies of different Nakshatras. This makes Dhanishta a sort of compendium of energies of earlier Nakshatras, i.e. specifically Ashwini, Krittika, Mrigashira, Swati and Purvashadha. These eight Vasus are supposed to be wealthy and skilled at music. This conveys this Nakshatra’s mastery over material plane and relates it with rhythmical, musical functionings of universal mind. This is probably reason why a lot of scholars associated Rasis of astrology with this asterism, which in a way is understanding rhythm of Universe.

Shiva is ultimate presiding deity of this asterism. This can be easily understood from fact that part of this asterism lies in Kumbha, a Rasi completely under influence of Shiva. Ancient Puranic scriptures are full of stories of Shiva’s immense musical ability. Shiva, even while wreaking havoc and destruction, does so in a graceful and rhythmical dance form known as ”Tandava”, exemplified by his famous ”Nataraja” posture. In fact, two of main Indian classical dance systems directly originate from Shiva.

In a way, this Nakshatra can be seen as a bridge between Vishnu’s and Shiva’s energy. It can thus be related to half-Vishnu, half-Shiva form which can still be found in some temples in India. Vishnu relates to its mastery of material world, while Shiva relates to its musical and bohemian aspect.

Nature & Functioning

Much of nature of this Nakshatra can be derived from nature and qualities of eight gods presiding over it.

From Apah, it derives its musical ability, confidence, invincibility and a warrior-like disposition, which in its negative aspect can manifest as vanity and obstinacy. This can sometimes lead this Nakshatra to ”beat its own drum”.

From Druva, it derives fixed part of its nature, which relates to its reliability, perseverance and good organizational ability. In a negative aspect it manifests as stubbornness. Dhanishta natives do not like to be told what to do!

From Dhara, it derives its wisdom, charitable nature and conversational ability. In its negative aspect it makes one a chatterbox, or having a tendency to disperse their energies in unconstructive, unwholesome ways.

From Anila, this Nakshatra derives its business acumen, resourcefulness and motivation to accomplish things.

In its negative, aspect this can make one self-seeking or generally worried about their prospects.

From Anala, it derives its energy, mental acumen and discrimination. In its negative aspect, it can make this Nakshatra bad-tempered and consequently capable of hurting others.

From Pratyusha, it derives its radiance, happiness, joy and hopefulness. Nature expresses unbounded joyfulness through sunrise, which this Nakshatra usually tries to accomplish through music and dancing.

From Prabhasa, it derives its lightheartedness, purity, good nature and wholesome aspirations.

From Soma, it derives its gentleness and sensitivity, which some times can manifest as fickleness, deceptiveness or extreme indulgence.

Reader can easily infer from above that Dhanishta is all about living a good life. Reader can also infer how it is not easy to put Dhanishta personality in a box. It has many diverse aspects to its nature, making it one of most expressive among Nakshatras. It has an ability to adapt itself to any situation in which it finds itself.

Those born with Dhanishta rising on Lagna usually carry a rich, liberal, radiant expression on their faces. They exude confidence and nobility. They have a peculiarly captivating smile, which conveys a feeling of deep satisfaction at some inner level. In some cases they can have roving eyes.

Being good conversationalists, Dhanishta natives can always put other person at ease very quickly. This will hold more true of those natives who are born under Kumbha part of this Nakshatra. Makara part has a more worldly orientation and thus lacks in more refined, Divine aspects.

All those who have Dhanishta happening in their chart, one way or other, have a good sense of rhythm and enjoy music and dance. It is very easy for them to excel in these fields if they work at it. Dhanishta natives tend to be good at sports because rhythm and timing are key to almost all sports. This holds especially true for track and field athletics, ball games and gymnastics. Natives are especially good at sports like gymnastics, where grace is a prerequisite.

This is a social Nakshatra, which likes to be part of groups. It is not a loner and likes to mingle with people. Since it is naturally ambitious and is always conscious of its ”Dharma”, it very rarely shows escapist tendencies. It would rather confront things, which can make it appear argumentative at times.

When Chandr occupies this asterism, person concerned often goes for mates or partners who are very different in personality and outlook to them. This obviously leads to a lot of conflict in these issues. This can be seen to be most true when Chandr occupies Makara part of this asterism. A lot of scholars are unanimous regarding peculiar property of this asterism in promoting marital discord. Since this asterism carries so many good qualities, such a thing does not make sense straight away. In our view, martian aspect of this asterism is responsible for this problem.

Mangal is regarded as most unfavorable Graha for marital harmony. Once again Makara part of this asterism has more problems in this regard as compared to Kumbha part. This is simply because Kumbha has a more accommodating nature as compared to Makara. These marital difficulties are usually enhanced when either Mangal, Sani, Rahu or Ketu are placed in this Nakshatra, especially Makara part. If this placement has some connection with seventh Bhava, it might be impossible for such a person to have a smooth married life. In our experience, most Karkataka Lagnas, whose Lagna falls within 16° 40’ - 30° 00’, have difficulty in married life or sometimes don’t marry at all. This is because Dhanishta falls on seventh Bhava cusp. Those under strong negative influence of Makara part of Dhanishta often end up hating opposite sex.

Rama, one of Vishnu’s avatars, who is regarded as epitome of good conduct and righteousness, faced numerous problems in his married life. In his chart, Mangal is placed in Makara part of Dhanishta in seventh Bhava. He had to fight a big war to rescue his kidnapped wife Sita, and even after things returned to normal, he had to abandon her on some very flimsy ground. Readers can refer to ancient Vedic epic of ”Ramayana” for whole story.

Dhanishta always has ability to tune into some source. Most important aspect of this is source it tunes itself into. In present day world, where media acts as primary influence for masses, and provides them with ever declining and degenerating standards of culture, music, dance, fine arts etc., most Dhanishta kinds find themselves tuning into these unwholesome influences. This is reason why higher expressions of this Nakshatra, which come about by direct tuning in with universal mind, are a rarity nowadays.

In universal scheme of things, Dhanishta relates to ”Khyapayitri Shakti”- power to give fame and abundance. Its symbolism has birth above and prosperity below. This symbolism and imagery re-emphasizes beneficial and positive aspect of this Nakshatra. Dhanishta can be seen as zenith of worldly achievements, a characteristic often attached with Rasi Makara. It goes without saying that only when these worldly achievements are in tune with universal requirements do they have any lasting meaning.

Mode of Functioning

In keeping with its basic nature and disposition, ancient Vedic Seers saw this as an active asterism. Even infants born under a strong influence of this Nakshatra are more active than other infants. They start to respond to music from a much earlier age than others. This is a Nakshatra meant for getting out in world and doing things.


It belongs to farmer caste. It is puzzling for everyone to understand why such a wealthy and well endowed asterism should be assigned to working caste. This relates to fact that this Nakshatra falls in Sani’s Rasi, a Graha which was seen as belonging to working class. Dhanishta is involved in all farmer-like, creative activities, which deal with actual production of goods etc.


It is a female Nakshatra. This is odd considering fact that all its presiding deities are male. This is because this Nakshatra relates more to energies of its deities, rather than actual deities themselves. These energies are their ”Shaktis” and are always feminine. It is a feminine force which presides over all creative arts like music and dancing. It is no wonder then that all male dancers of classical forms are quite feminine in their appearance and disposition!

Body Parts & Humor

Body parts it relates to most are back and anus. Spinal cord, as we know, is directly related to Graha Sani and Rasi Makara. Kundalini energy rises from area around anus and travels upwards through back to top chakra on head. This is only way for human beings to tune into universal mind. As discussed earlier, this Nakshatra requires one to do that in order to express its qualities.

It is a primarily ”Pitta” (fiery) Nakshatra due to its strong relation with Mangal.


It is related to East, South-East, South, West and South-West.


First Pada of this asterism (23° 20’ - 26° 40’ Makara) falls in Simha Navamsa and is ruled by Surya. This portion relates to ambitious part of this asterism. It combines energies of Surya, Mangal and Sani, and directs one towards worldly accomplishments. Since Surya, as we know, is not a favorable Graha for marriage, this Pada is not good for marital harmony. It can also be too aggressive. This Pada assures easy success in one’s undertakings, and often brings native under its influence into some kind of limelight.

Second Pada of this asterism (26° 40’ - 30° 00’ Makara) falls in Kanya Navamsa ruled by Budh. It relates to skillful and communicative part of this Nakshatra. This is a highly adaptable Pada which often gives a lot of success in one’s chosen pursuits, however, once again Budh’s mutability is not good for marital harmony. Rulership of Budh gives this Pada good mind-hand coordination, which promotes musical and athletic skill.

Third Pada of this asterism (0° 00’ - 3° 20’ Kumbha) falls in Tula Navamsa ruled by Sukr. This relates to amicable, optimistic, happy, social, musical, group orientated and wealthy aspect of Dhanishta. Since Sukr is natural significator of harmony, this Pada promotes marital harmony. This is Pada which carries most refined and subtle attributes of this Nakshatra. It relates to those involved in music, fine arts, divination and astrology.

Fourth Pada of this asterism (3° 20’ - 6° 40’ Kumbha) falls in Vrischika Navamsa ruled by Mangal. This Pada has excessive martian energy and relates to rhythmical aspect of this asterism. It is helpful in creative arts requiring a lot of energy like drumming etc. This Pada is sympathetic to underdog, however, this Pada is not good for marital harmony due to its excessive aggressiveness. This Pada has a warrior’s attitude and gives sporting prowess and athletic ability.


Musicians, dancers and performers; all those involved in management side of entertainment industry; drummers and those involved in rhythm sections of bands and orchestras; creative artists of all types; those involved in military bands and other types of marching bands; gemstones and precious metal dealers; athletes and other sports persons; group coordinators in all fields; those in real estate business; landscape artists; those who deal in financial transactions; scientists and physicists; computer professions; warriors and military people; poets, songwriters and reciters of rhythmical incantations; makers of musical instruments; vocalists with more emphasis on delivery than melody; astrologers and divinators; psychic channellers & mediums; on a higher level those involved in holistic healing through Kundalini Yoga; on a lower level, surgeons and medical practitioners; professions involving high tech devices and electronic equipment; professions requiring versatility and multiple task ability; managers in general. Immense versatility of this Nakshatra allows it to be involved in all types of professions, especially those involving large monies.


All places related to music and other creative arts, ranging from schools to studios to dance halls etc.; meditation rooms; managerial offices; real estate agencies; gardens; science labs; factories with high tech equipment or producing high tech equipment; amusement centres and sports stadiums; all places related to sports; financial centres and institutions, like banks etc.; safes where wealth and valuables are stored.

Guna & Tatva

It is supposed to be a Tamasic Nakshatra. This is clear from fact that two inherently Tamasic Grahas, Mangal and Sani, govern this Nakshatra. This, however, does not mean that this Nakshatra is averse to activity. It just means that this Nakshatra is more geared towards dissolution than creation or maintenance.

It belongs to ether element. Ether element can mingle and cooperate with all elements. This is what gives this Nakshatra its all encompassing quality, just as space and ether pervade everything. This Nakshatra likes to keep its horizons as wide as possible.


It is considered a demonic Nakshatra. Once again, this can be attributed to its close relationship to two natural malefics, Mangal and Sani. It carries an energy which always tries to bring about change in present. Most godly Nakshatras are related to maintaining status quo, so in present times, however, this seemingly negative quality of this asterism is definitely positive from a universal point of view!

Orientation & Disposition

It is an upward looking Nakshatra in keeping with its natural expansive nature. This is a Nakshatra signifying increase and expansion.

It is a moveable (ephemeral) Nakshatra. This means that it relates to travelling and change in all its forms. This is probably reason why some scholars say that this Nakshatra does well in foreign countries. A person with a strong influence of this Nakshatra is likely to travel a lot and attain success in a foreign land.

Lunar Month & Tithi

It relates to middle portion ( middle 9 days) of lunar month of Shravana. This period usually corresponds to month of August in solar calendar.

Dhanishta is also related to Ashtami (8th Tithi) of waxing and waning phases of Chandr’s monthly cycle.

Auspicious Activities

Religious rituals and performances; creative activities in general, especially musical and dancing; group activities of all kinds; mega celebratory events involving huge crowds like concerts, opening ceremonies etc.; all activities involving pomp and splendor; purchasing moveable and immoveable property; travelling - good for both short trips and long journeys; all activities requiring aggression and a pro-active attitude; lending money and all kinds of financial transactions; meditation and Yoga; gardening; buying new clothes, gemstones, jewelry etc.; favorable for treating diseases and commencing educational ventures; career activities involving fame and recognition; learning how to use high tech equipment and weapons.

Inauspicious Activities

Unfavorable for sexual activity or marriage; activities of a fixed or restrictive character, like giving up old habits etc.; not a good time to form new partnerships; homely activities like cleaning etc.; dealings with people requiring tact, cleverness and gentleness.


Main planetary influences affecting this Nakshatra are Mangal, Sani, Rahu and Uranus, Mangal being its primary Lord. It represents pinnacle of martian energy. Consequently bravery is a quality strongly associated with this Nakshatra. This is reason why it connects with warriors, weapons and military personnel. Courage is a prerequisite for a lot of sports as well, such as adventure sports or mountain climbing, and so this Nakshatra finds its expression through people involved in such activities.

Sani’s rulership relates to persevering nature and organizational ability of this Nakshatra. It usually sets itself long-term goals, which it likes to fulfill at any cost. Discipline, as we know, is a key to excelling in any of creative arts as well.

Dhanishta is Nakshatra which finally accomplishes difficult task of harmonizing divergent energies of Mangal and Sani. Martian energy is at its absolute refinement here and this is why Dhanishta is pinnacle of martian energy. It has wisdom to use energy (Mangal) constructively over time (Sani), a quality which brings about all its other good qualities and its ability to gain wealth. We can see how keeping rhythm while playing drums is a very similar activity. Dhanishta understands rhythm of life, and its capacity to stick to rhythm / tune makes it reap all best Universe has to offer.

Its relationship with Rahu and Uranus connects it with mass media, and this is reason why a lot of top people in entertainment industry have a strong Dhanishta influence in their chart. It likes to make people wealthy and respected in their chosen fields, and in present day and age, Rahu and Uranus are keys to astounding success in any field.

In general astrological terms, Mangal in Makara, Mangal in Kumbha, Rahu - Mangal conjunction and Mangal

-    Sani conjunction in Nakshatras like Rohini, Mrigashira, Purnavasu, Pushya, Chitra, Anuradha or Uttarabhadrapada, carry an energy similar to that of Dhanishtha. Rahu – Mangal - Sani conjunction completely carries energy of this Nakshatra.

Chandr, Mangal, Sani, Budh, Sukr and Rahu usually do well in Dhanishta. Chandr and Mangal do better in Makara part while Budh, Sukr and Rahu fare better in Kumbha part. Sani’s positioning in this Nakshatra will make success slow to come and may totally deny marital pleasures.

Vowels & Alphabets

First Pada of this asterism (23° 20’ - 26° 40’ Makara) corresponds to ”Ga” as in Galileo.

Second Pada of this asterism (26° 40’ - 30° 00’ Makara) corresponds to ”Gi” as in Gibson or G. I. Joe.

Third Pada of this asterism (0° 00’ - 3° 20’ Kumbha) corresponds to ”Gu” as in Guitar and Gustav.

Fourth Pada of this asterism (3° 20’ - 6° 40’ Kumbha) corresponds to ”Ge” as in George or Gertha.

In Sanskrit alphabet, Dhanishta corresponds to ”Yam” and ”Ram”, consequently its Mantras are ”Om Yam” and ”Om Ram”.

Sexual Type & Compatibility

Its sexual animal is a lion. As we will discover later in esoteric section, this Nakshatra has a strong connection with lion, which goes far beyond its sexual preferences. On a sexual plane this type does not relate well with other Nakshatras, except lion / tiger Nakshatras Dhanishta, Chitra, Vishakha and Purvabhadrapada. In keeping with its animal, it is not very enthusiastic about sexual activity, even though it might have multiple partners.

For sexual & marital compatibility with other Nakshatras please refer to tables at the end of this document.


Stars of this Nakshatra lie very close to constellation of Andromeda, where a lot of godly and asuric (demonic) forces are said to reside. However, eight Vasus, which preside over stars of constellation of Delphinus, are all godly in nature. Delphinus is associated with Dolphins, most intelligent and benevolent among all sea creatures. This Nakshatra shares a lot of its traits with dolphins. Even dolphins are known for their permanent mysterious smile!

This constellation sort of lies on borderline between Shiva’s and Vishnu’s territory. From an astrological point of view, it connects Rasis of Makara and Kumbha. Makara or 10th Bhava, as we know, relates to Karma, while Kumbha or 11th Bhava, corresponds to fruits of Karma. This Nakshatra thus relates to fulfillment of one’s goals, desires and ambitions, as a result of good Karma from previous births. It is balancing point between forces of maintenance and destruction.

This is 23rd Nakshatra and 23 is a number associated in numerology with phrase, ”royal star of lion”. This obviously alludes to star Regulus, which forms core of Nakshatra ”Magha”. In zodiacal belt, ”Magha” lies directly opposite Kumbha part of this Nakshatra. Thus these two Nakshatras can be seen as partners. Magha, as we know, is Nakshatra related to royal honors and exalted status. Dhanishta, especially its latter half, also carries within itself these qualities. One can see that lion is an animal strongly associated with both of these Nakshatras. 23 is regarded in numerology as a very fortunate number signifying completion. Both these Nakshatras carry completion aspect of this number, which makes them become best in their chosen fields, due to repeated past life efforts or having more Paramatmamsha (part belonging to eternal absolute one).


This Nakshatra is related to Sage Angiras, one of seven celestial Sages looking after affairs of our galaxy.

Name of this Sage translates into ”fiery one”, which is in keeping with martian aspect of this asterism.


For those suffering from bad effects resulting from afflictions to this Nakshatra, best remedial measure is worship of lion-riding goddess Durga, or Hari Hara, a deity with a half-Vishnu, half-Shiva form. Alternatively, one can worship eight Vasus. Practice of Raja Yoga, which involves raising of Kundalini through seven sacred centres, is one of best ways to utilize this Nakshatra’s potential.

Repetition of root Mantras of this Nakshatra - ”Om Yam” and ”Om Ram” 108 times when Chandr transits this Nakshatra and its corresponding lunar month, is sure to reduce suffering and bring enlightenment into a person’s life.

Persons who are benefiting from positive energy of this Nakshatra can also increase good effects through above mentioned ways. It is helpful for them to wear colors like red, blue and gold. They should use its directions, lunar month and days when Chandr transits Dhanishta, to undertake all important actions.


Life of Bheshma, one of major characters in Vedic epic ”Mahabharata”, exemplifies functionings of Dhanishta. He took and observed vow of lifelong celibacy and was unconquerable in battle, was generous even to his competitors and showed immaculate courage till his dying breath.

Marilyn Monroe, famous model and actress, has her Chandr in Dhanishta in 7th Bhava. 7th Bhava relates to one’s public image and relationship with masses. She definitely utilized all of Dhanishta’s charm to become a mass sex symbol. Her famous smile and heavy alluring eyelids characterize peculiar, self-assured and captivating facial expression of this Nakshatra. However, Dhanishta spoilt her marital life. She had two unsuccessful marriages and a host of unsatisfying affairs.


According to Varahamihira, Chandr in Dhanishta makes a person ”liberal, brave, rich and adept at music and other fine arts”. Those who know about Marilyn Monroe can see that her life fits in perfectly with above description. She was more intelligent and learned than her public image portrayed and was said to have liberal views. She even married people who were at top of their respective fields. Her Chandr is in first Pada of this Nakshatra in Makara, which, as we mentioned earlier, can make one a star, but does not promote marital harmony.

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